Haiti Scuba Diving Packages

Haiti Scuba Diving Packages

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Haiti Scuba Diving Packages

Resort Attributes

Resort Cost Bracket

Country Info



Haïti n’a pas ou peu de Tourisme la mauvaise publicité médiatique est le principal problème avec Port au Prince qui est le gros point noir.

Actuellement nous recevons des clients venant de l’étranger (Europe, USA, Canada), la principale recommandation que nous leur donnons est d’arrivée à PaP de bonne heure, ceci afin de gérer aux mieux leurs transferts vers la ville des Cayes en face de l’Ile à Vache.

Pour les groupes de minimum 10 pers ce n’est pas trop difficile sous réserve qu’ils arrivent avant 11 h a PaP, ils peuvent être transportés par bus charter tout les jours ou avion régulier suivant les jours d’arrivées depuis l’aéroport.

Pour les couples il faut qu’ils arrivent avant 10 H a PaP pour les faire transférer vers un bus à 12H

Location de véhicules 2/3 pers, très cher en Haïti de 250 a  300 US $ avec le carburant et le chauffeur,

Autre possibilité le jeudi vendredi et dimanche depart vol (avion ligne régulière compagnie Tortug’air depart depuis l’aéroport National a 16h soit 13h présent) avion 19 places

Dans le cas ou les heures d’arrivées seraient après 3h pm, il faut passer une nuit dans un hôtel a PaP coût de la chambre 3etoiles avec petit déjeuner pour 2 pers de 125 a 170 US $ plus les transferts taxis aéroport, taxis bus ou autres.

Haiti doesn’t have or a little bit tourism, the bad media publicity Tourism is the main problem with Port au Prince, which is the big black point.

Currently we receive clients from abroad (Europe, USA, Canada), the main recommendation that we give them is to arrive early at PaP, in order to better manage their shipments to the city of Les Cayes in front the Island Ile a Vache.

For groups of minimum 10 persons (adults) is not too difficult, provided they arrive before 11 ha PaP, they can be transported by chartered bus or plane every day or days that are regularly depending of the scheduled day of their arrival from the International airport.

For couples they must arrive before 10 AM at a PaP for the transfer to a regular bus with air conditioned at 12am

Rental Car 2 / 3 people, very expensive in Haiti from 250 to 300 U.S. $ with fuel carburant and driver.

Another possibility on Thursday, Friday and Sunday departing flight (plane regular line company Tortug'air departing from National Airport at 16h, be there at 15h), Plane with 19 places. There’s about 10 mns in car between the 2 Airports.

In case of the arrival times would be after 3h pm, he must spend a night in a hotel room cost PaP 3* with breakfast for 2 persons from 125/ 170 U.S. $ plus airport transfers taxis, buses or taxis

Ex for

7 nights from xx to xx    2011

Given the rising of gasoline, our rates will increase by 5% to 10% from the May.

Package from the wharf of les Cayes

In deluxe room double with air conditioned: 816 US$ per adult for 7 nights.

A total of 1632 US $ + 10% taxes for 2 adults for 7 nights.

Extra per night: 112 US $ + 10% taxes per adult.

In deluxe double room with fan: 763.50 US$ per adult for 7 nights.

A total of 1527 US $ + 10% taxes for 2 adults for 7 nights.

Extra per night: 104.50 US $ + 10% taxes per adult.

In standard room double with air conditioned: 697 US$ per adult for 7 nights.

A total of 1394 US $ + 10% taxes for 2 adults for 7 nights.

Extra per night: 95 US $ + 10% taxes per adult.

In standard double room with fan: 644.50 US$ per adult for 7 nights.

A total of 1289 US $ + 10% taxes for 2 adults for 7 nights.

Extra per night: 87.50 US $ + 10% taxes per adult.

Child (from 5 to 11 years old) in parent’s room: 370 US $ + 10% taxes

Extra per night: 50 US $ + 10% taxes.

+ 2 US $ per person for “The Municipality of Il A Vache”

Package included:

- The boat transfer from Les Cayes to Port-Morgan

- Full board for 7 nights in air-conditioned or ventilated with 3 meals.

The drinks are not included in the package.

Following the arrival to and the departure from Port Morgan, you may have an additional lunch / breakfast.

To make your reservation is confirmed, a deposit is necessary, please contact us for further information's.

Prices are subject to change, confirmation will be given at booking.

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