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If you haven't dived for a while and you're planning to go on a diving trip, better take a look at your scuba diving gear to avoid last minute annoying problems...

To do list (for checking gear)

1) Take a look at your mask to see if the strap looks ok (the plastic is not too dry or broken in any part).In doubt, buy a spare strap. They are not expensive and can help you avoid the uncomfortable situation of going back to the boat holding your mask with your fingers...or to skip a dive. Not always is there a spare mask on the boat.

2) Same thing for your fins if they are the ones with straps.

3) BCD: Check when you serviced it for the last time. If it was more than 2 years ago, you better service it before going to dive or rent one. It is not safe to use it.

4) Regulator: Same case than BCD, only that it needs to be serviced every year or every 100 dives.

5) Wet suit: Just check that the zippers (zips) are OK and the thickness is suitable for the water temperature of the destination you chose. Consider also that wet suits take a lot of space in your luggage and rental is not that expensive. the other pieces of gear are most important in terms of using your own ones, but wetsuits, as long as you are not cold in the water, are usually ok.

6) Computer: Check the battery. It's always good to buy an extra one if you suspect the battery has lasted at least 2 years...

7) If you carry an underwater camera, do  not forget to take with you the grease for the silicone ring and some Kleenex to use every time you have to take the ring off and place it again.

8) If possible, take with you one dry bag and/or dry box. Small dry bags are not expensive (usd 10-15) for cell phone, money and things that you really don't want to get wet.

9) Take with you some Dramamine (just in case), and a mixture of vinager and alcohol in a little bottle because it's always useful for cuts, fire coral burns and even to put in your ears to prevent or help cure infections. Some baby shampoo mixed up with water is good as a defogger. It works as well as spit but smells much better...

10) If you have long hair, do not forget to carry lots of hair bands. You are going to loose most of them anyway.

11) Of course, take sun screen but NEVER put it before diving since if you do, you will have leaks in your mask during the whole dive.