Turtle Feeding on Sponge in Roatan

Turtle Feeding on Sponge in Roatan

8.0 (1)
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Turtle Feeding on Sponge in Roatan

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There was this un-shy turtle chomping his way through a sponge as we dived shallow sea quest a few days ago.
I have been doing some diving with reefgliders in roatan.
This dive we had to let the turtle go and I can imagine he might have been there over an hour.
There was just the 3 of us Sam Chris and Me. We never went more than 11m it was very nice to just search over all the sandy bits.

User reviews

1 reviews

Photo Rating 
8.0  (1)
Photo Rating 

Check out his eye, it looks armour plated !

That's a great shot the eye looks armour plated, if the U.S. military made turtles they would look like that.

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