Dive Shops Organizations

Here you can find listings and reviews for dive shops in the caribbean. We hope if you own a dive business that you will consider adding yours - it will help your webpage and business grow.

Search for rated dive shops by island here : Honduras (Roatan and Utila)

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leatherback turtle 2

Through St. Kitts Scuba he provides personalized services and pickups from:

  • The Marriott Resort
  • Sugar Bay Club
  • Bird Rock Beach Hotel
  • The Angelus
  • The Princess cruise lines and other cruise ships

    What makes St. Kitts special?
    Blue sea fan gardens, intensely fluorescent sponges, friendly barracudas, spiny lobsters, peacock flounders, turtles, turtles, turtles, sting rays and garden eels along with all the abundance of sea life found in the Caribbean.

    At the right time, you might be able to see a leatherback turtle at Barry's Beach.

    All credit cards accepted
    St. Kitts Scuba prices comparable to all general St. Kitts diving.

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Scuba Nevis

Welcome to Scuba Safaris Ltd. In an attempt to create a reasonably accurate image on the diving on Nevis (and St.Kitts) we have provided much information on our quaint little Islands and what we have to offer.  Kindly take the time to view all of our pages where we are sure you'll find most of the the answers to the frequently asked dive questions.  Please feel free to contact us for any further information that  we may have failed to include.

Explore virgin reefs among majestic stands of pillar coral, sea fans and long slender tube sponges. Dive among schools of snappers, angelfish chubs, jacks, and barracuda while graceful southern stingrays, eagle rays and turtles glide lazily by. Numerous dive sites are available off the shores of Nevis. Scuba Safaris has been in operation since 1985, offering superior knowledge and experience of our local waters, numerous dive sites and varying weather conditions. We operate 2 custom built dive boats, the largest "Sea Monkey" is a 45 foot Corinthian catamaran which takes a maximum of 25 passengers for 2 tank dives. The smaller boat "Over Exposure" is a 34 foot Island Hopper which has a capacity of 14 passengers for 2 tank dives. All dives offered are guided by an Instructor/DiveMaster.


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Join us on Facebook!

Panama is the heart of the two Americas and most famous for the Panama Canal. With Two oceans divided by the isthmus makes for first rate Scuba diving. The Pacific on the one side and the Atlantic on the other, who could ask for more. Panama is also home to one of the largest man-made lakes in Central America. And still so many more wonders are waiting to be discovered in this beautiful Country.


Panama has a great variety of opportunities for SCUBA diving and its geographical location is perfect for any kind of adventure and excitement.


Dive Adventure is an IANTD and PADI dive center, located midtown Panama City; we offer a wide variety of services to satisfy all your needs. This site will provide all the information you need about recreational and technical diving, dive trips and much more.

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Panama Divers offers the best dive adventure available in Panama!  We tailor your dive (and tour) package to meet the desires & wishes of your group!  We only dive Panama’s very best locations!  Your under water adventure will be Discovery Channel quality!

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Scuba Diving St Lucia : Fair Helen

Diving Fair Helen from Marigot bay is one of the longest running quality places to go diving with in St Lucia. Mark may pick you up and get you to the boat Marlin and Alvin will sort you out with some good diving St Lucia quality.

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Coiba Marine Park, considered one of the ten top diving spots in the world, is home to the second largest coral reef in the Eastern Pacific and the best diving "to be found along the Pacific Coast from Columbia to Mexico" according to Lonely Planet.

The island's abundant marine and terrestial flora is a delight to nature lovers. Scarlet macaws nest here and humpback whales are seen frequently.

Coiba National Park, off the southwest coast of Panama, protects Coiba Island, 38 smaller islands and the surrounding marine areas within the Gulf of Chiriqui. Protected from the cold winds and effects of El Niño, Coiba’s Pacific tropical moist forest maintains exceptionally high levels of endemism of mammals, birds and plants due to the ongoing evolution of new species. The property is an outstanding natural laboratory for scientific research and provides a key ecological link to the Tropical Eastern Pacific for the transit and survival of pelagic fish and marine mammals.

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Read about Bastimentos & The Dutch Pirate in a new article of Duiken Magazine!(October 2008)

Get your PADI-certification in a tropical paradise before the coast of Panama; Isla Bastimentos in Bocas del Toro.

The Dutch Pirate is the first and only PADI Dive Center (s-21308) in Bastimentos, recommended by the "Lonely Planet" travel guide.

We operate with brand new equipment & high safety standards, and offer courses in English, Spanish, German & Dutch.

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Pro Divers St Kitts

Pro Divers inc. is a PADI Resort Facility offering all levels of instruction and quality dive tours.Based on St.Kitts and ideally located at the Ocean Terrace Inn's Fisherman's Wharf, where restaurants, shops, banks and car rental facilities are all situated close by.

Service is personalized and the atmosphere is warm and friendly without compromising safety. Thorough dive briefings and flexible profiles given by PADI Dive Instructors. Professional educators with over twenty years experience diving in and around St.Kitts and Nevis waters.

Pro-Divers Inc.'s dive shop is located at Fisherman's Wharf, Ocean Terrace Inn.
Training pool, air station, retail shop with rental equipment are all on site.

Main Office - reservations and enquiries; all courses are conducted at this location.

Retail Shop - masks and snorkels, fins, wetsuits, t-shirts, cameras, film, spares, regulators, B.C.s, lights, snorkeling vests etc.

Equipment Rentals- masks and snorkels, fins, wetsuits, regulators, B.C.s underwater 35mm Sea Life cameras, lights, snorkeling vests.

Facilities- Fresh water rinse, equipment storage, and rest rooms are also available at OTI’s Fisherman’s Wharf

Boats are on site at the Fisherman's Wharf docking facility.



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Carey Dive Isla Mujeres

With the Carey Dive Center your diving experience will be safe, fun and easy.

Come and

  • Dive in the beautiful Caribbean
  • Learn diving (PADI, NAUI)
  • Book unforgettable special trips
    (cenotes, whale sharks, fishing)

And all this with personal attention, small groups, flexible schedule, multilingual staff and - not to forget - safety!


The Carey Dive Center opened in August 2008. It is the successor of the former Coral Scuba Dive Center which was one of the first dive stores on Isla Mujeres.

We will go on with the tradition of Coral, that has been providing the best diving-related service on the Island for over 25 years. We will assist you in discovering the hidden treasures of underwater Isla Mujeres as well as in having a wonderful vacation on our little island.

A big "thank you" to all the faithful customers that keep on coming to Isla Mujeres and diving with us.

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Aqua Safari Cozumel

Over forty years ago Aqua Safari pioneered sport diving in Cozumel, Mexico. We have since acquired a small fleet of modern and comfortable dive boats. Our divemasters want to make your diving fun and safe, and they will help you to enjoy a fantastic scuba diving vacation. We are small, friendly, safe and professional!

We have a broad menu of dive trips and services, and offer the best in SCUBA training all the way from Discover Scuba through Instructor level.

We offer accommodation options from economical to condominiums and resort.

Aqua Safari is a PADI Five Star Instructor Development Center, a testimony to the quality of our facilities and services.

Please browse around our web site and enjoy. If for some reason you don't find what you're looking for here, you can contact us... or just turn off your computer, get on a plane and come visit us in Cozumel.

We look forward to your visit!

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If this is your dive shop please contact us to claim it and improve the information we hold on this listing.

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The Cayman Islands are blessed with perhaps the best scuba diving in the world. Clear calm water is prevalent throughout the year and two of Cayman's most popular shore dives are just seconds from central George Town and Cayman's cruise ship dock. Eden Rock Diving Center is the gateway to the main attraction Eden Rock and Devil's Grotto reputed to be the second and third best shore dives in the world. Both reefs are just a short swim from shore. The best way to explore the caves and tunnels  is with one of our experienced instructor guides who will make sure you see the best of Cayman's coral reefs.

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Don Foster�s Dive has 2 convenient locations, our main shop at Casuarina Point on the waterfront in South Sound and our satellite shop at Comfort Suites & Resorts along 7 Mile Beach. Casuarina Point is where your dive boat will depart from and also an excellent location for shore diving. Part of Cayman�s famous marine park, the lively coral reef is easily accessed. Afterwards relax on a lounge chair, go for a dip in the pool or browse through our dive and retail shop. Enjoy a fleet of six comfortable boats with dry storage and rinse tanks. We offer daily 2-Tank and 1-Tank dives, Stingray City trips, PADI certification courses and have an in-house photo centre. We also offer a complimentary dive shuttle from your hotel/condo.

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hey ray !

In the midst of it seems new owenship is this the new website we be divin ?

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Divetech - Cayman Islands

Divetech is Grand Cayman's full service resort for world-class diving, offering the best quality training available, both recreational and technical, along with some great dive and room packages with Cobalt Coast Dive Resort and Lighthouse Point Our values are:


  • Friendly staff with a commitment to the enjoyment of your diving vacation
  • Exceptional Customer Service & a full refund policy
  • Diving to your certification level with 100% computer diving
  • Offering unique adventures within your dive vacation
  • Providing excellent maintenance for our shops, boats and equipment
  • Having lots of fun :)
  • Freedom, Safety and Adventure!

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Dive BVI

The Original Virgin Gorda Dive Shop - The British Virgin Islands provide an excellent location to dive.

One of 3 locations serving the expanse of the BVI's - the main shop is here at the marina in virgin gorda. The other 2 loactions are Leverick Bay and Scrub Island.

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Cayman Diving College is the only dedicated dive training facility in the Cayman Islands and holds the prestigious rating of a PADI 5 Star Instructor Development Centre.
Cayman Diving College training facility is based at Treasure Island Resort with a state of the art classroom and a large 7ft deep pool.  This helps our experienced instructors provide students with the most up-to-date training available.  Shore diving and boat diving are both run from our George Town location which is situated on the water front by the famous Wreck of the Cali dive and snorkel site.

We cater to all levels of experience, from complete beginners diving for the first time to PADI dive professionals considering a career in the industry.  There are fewer places easier or safer to learn to scuba dive with warm, clear water, excellent instructors and high safety standards than Cayman Diving College in the Cayman Islands. This is the ideal place to start or continue your underwater adventures!

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Bonaire Dive Adventure
With a maximum of a 20 minute boat ride its just easy diving here in Bonaire.

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Bequia is a beautiful, diverse little island, consisting of no more than seven square miles lying nine miles south of St Vincent, north of Mustique. It the northernmost and largest of the Grenadines, a string of islands that stretch for approximately 60 miles between the islands of St Vincent and Grenada in the Caribbean. Bequia is too small for big industry, yet large enough to offer the basic needs. The size of the island has also determined the character of its inhabitants. Since they must acquire commodities from abroad, Bequians have had to look to the sea for their living, working as merchant seamen on freighters, as captains and crews on cargo ships, on yachts and cruise ships, and as fishermen and lobster divers.

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2009 Dive Packages, year round rack rates

All of our packages offer the following benefits:

  • 7 nights in the hotel
  • Airport transfers
  • 10 dives
  • welcome drink
  • all diving equipment
  • personal gear washing and storage
  • Government tax and hotel service charge

Some hotels have additional benefits and will be noted for that hotel.