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Food and Drink in The British Virgin Islands

The British Virgin Islands has something to offer for everyone. Chartering yachts and catamarans? SCUBA? Snorkeling? Or something as simple as sprawling out across the white beaches that garnish the coast of every island.

Regardless of your intentions you are going to find the need to dine and drink. The BVI has everything from small nooks for coffee and pastries, to several Indian restaurants that are scattered around Road Town. There are beach bars and grills that serve everything from your standard Hamburger, Ribs, and pasta to Jerk style meats made famous by Jamaica, and Beer Can Chicken.

In every restaurant you will find the items that many come from far and wide for; the fresh seafood from the gulf stream. Everything from snapper to conch. Lobsters, tuna, jacks, lion fish, and crabs. Marlin, dolphin, and wahoo. Every restaurant has an extensive seafood portion to the menu, with a catch of the day, harvested fresh in the morning from the local markets.

If you go beyond the delicious, albeit expensive, tourist restaurants, you will find affordable delicious holes in the wall where you can get local chicken or goat cooked a variety of different ways. From baked to broiled, grilled to fried, and last but not least stewed with local vegetables in delectable gravies.

Drinks are plentiful around the BVI, a destination that is run with the casualness of a slow buzz. An island where alcohol is cheaper than water is sure to peak the interests of those looking to kick back. If beer is your poison know that you can get anyone available for under $4 at any location, with many being $2. If you head to the grocery store you can get 24 oz of presidente, a local Caribbean brew, for less than $2. Rum is the cheapest thing on the island. Make sure you stop at any of the local joints to try a rum punch or the infamous painkiller.

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When I finally get to the BVI's now I shall have absolutely no issues in finding where to eat thanks Ryan.
Sunday, 01 March 2015 11:04
well i have intl food and beverages title and live actually in chile britislanads offer to me many options please sendmeinfo thank... Read More
Wednesday, 01 April 2015 06:51
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